Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A Special Thank You For The Sponsors For PCM Annual Gathering 2012

Peugeot Club Malaysia would like to thank Nasim Sdn Bhd, Meguiars (Hypercoat Enterprises Sdn Bhd), Ecotint, Ang Leng motor Trading, MZ Auto, Euro Tech Auto Works, Peug Auto, GE Carriage and Frenchmarque Auto for sponsoring PCM Annual Gathering 2012.

A Special THANK YOU to Nasim, Ecotint and Meguiars for the Goodie bag and voucher for the participant not forgetting the generous Meguiars lucky draw prizes from Hypercoat Enterprises Sdn. Bhd and GE Carriage for the service voucher.

Your sponsors are deeply appreciated and thank you for supporting Peugeot brand and activities in Malaysia. We hope to be able to drive Peugeot brand more successful in Malaysia and hope to get continuous support from everyone.

Some photos of the Annual Gathering 2012 at A Famosa Resort:

PCM Group Photo at Cowboy Town, A Famosa Resort, Malacca

Owners with their respective Lion breeds