It was great to see a few new members (Hisham, Fariz, Hakimi) and long disappearing members came back (PeugeotC) as well as members came all the way from Negeri Sembilan (Stenly, Zaki, Rafizal).
The traffic were horrible during accessing the restaurant area and most of the surrounding parking were fully occupied. Luckily some of the early-birds members volunteered became part time jokey to block the vacant parking space for the members.
Matdee was taking effort to mark the attendance and they were Rosdi, Sazwan & Farahana, Lawrence & mrs, Gmoux, Megat206, Zaki, Rafizal, Hisham & partner, Stenly, fariz, UncleD, Hakimi, PeugeotC, Timmy, Justin, Jacksparrow, Tnash & partner, BlackDolphin and Abangk.
The fun, chat and discussion on the proposed trip to Naza assembly plant continues until mid night. The most suitable conclusion for the trip as per the long discussion was to flag-off on Sunday 1st May heading direct to Hot-springs Resort at Baling for a night and visit Naza assembly plant on Monday and back on the same day. However its pending Nasim confirmation on this proposal.
The next event would be the 4th AGM tentatively to be held on 26/03/11 just before the trip to Gurun.